Far Far Away

life is cool?

My Photo
Location: South Korea

I don't have any idea about who I am. :)


Caught a cold

I caught a cold! Ears are ringing. I am caughing a lot.
I took some medicine. I think it works.

It's spring but it is still cold. What on the earth is it going?
I think two weeks later summer will come soon.


April is the cruelest month

How are you? I guess I am doing well.
Yesterday I was under pressure. (Argh... these days I had weird dreams everyday.)
However I consider it's normal for me, isn't it?

You know April is the cruelest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.........

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Speical Occasion

April Fool's Party
Life can be boring of exciting as you do.
Elight mid-twenty girls had a party on April Fool's Day just to have fun.
We said truth more than lies. haha
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