Far Far Away

life is cool?

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Location: South Korea

I don't have any idea about who I am. :)



Which do you prefer, working out at a gym alone or hanging out with your friends?

I gain many things relating my work but I lost my health instead. My bio rhythme is broken. I don't know what I call bio rhythme is actullay is but I feel some rhythme that controls human being exists and it plays an important role, especially for women.

I was very confident in my health because I was okay even though I spent several days and nights over-working. However I am not. I am not confident. I am not okay with overworking.
I am still in 20s but I can foresee my miserable unhealthy 30s if I don't arrange my life.

I am thinking of sports: yoga, squash, or just exersicing at a gym. I am given 24 hours a day and I work from 9 am to 6 pm and more. It takes about 90 minutes to commute. I have friends to talk and eat together after work or on weekends. For these reasons, it is not easy to allot enough time for working out. I know it is an excuse. If I feel that I need exercise desperately than hanging out with my friends and having wonderful dinner with them, there would be no problem.


Blogger San Nakji said...

Play squash with your friends! 일석이조!

I can't stand working out at the gym, it is so boring. Squash is great though!

And to answer your question, no I am not in Korea. I was last month, but not now...

5:54 a.m.  
Blogger flowerful said...

That's a great idea!

2:57 a.m.  

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